Giftware Review

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A trade magazine for the gift and home interiors industries, Giftware Review & Home Interiors is the number one publication for product.

Established for over 17 years and widely regarded as THE product finder for the gift and home interiors industries, this is the place to generate sales! Each issue is mailed six times a year to over 7,500 qualifying key buyers. Retailers love to read Giftware Review for invaluable industry news as well as inspirational features on leading products, the very latest trends and business ideas from some of the best gift retailers in the country. There are previews of the leading trade shows and regular columnist, David Metcalfe offers his wry take on all that’s new in the industry. Packed pages of new product ideas from new and established suppliers complete the Giftware Review package. If you are serious about your gift and home interiors business this is the trade publication you can’t afford to miss.

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View previous issues of Giftware Review online:

Nov/Dec 14

Sept/Oct 14

July/Aug 14

May/Jun 14

Mar/Apr 14

Jan/Feb 14

Nov/Dec 13

Sept/Oct 13

July/Aug 13

May/June 13

Mar/Apr 13

Jan/Feb 13


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