The company based in Bristol, is a separate wholly owned UK subsidiary to the US-based BrownTrout Publishers Inc, the largest calendar publisher in the world. As well as its own huge ranges of diaries and calendars, the UK company also distributed titles from Andrews McMeel Publishing and stationery from Graphique de France.
“It is sad and there is no good time to close a business, but at least this is the ‘cleanest’ time of the year to do it, before we take on any new potential debt,” Jack Straw, managing director and shareholder of BrownTrout UK. He explained that there are a number of factors which have led to the business closure.
“After my illness last year, the business tended to suffer and with the onset of the lockdown, and the dire economic landscape ahead, we were left with no alternative but to close down,” Jack explained.
After a poor trading year last year for Browntrout, the unfortunate loss of some accounts including Wyevale, concerns about business margins which have been eroded due to SOR agreements and a less than sunny prognosis for the upcoming trading period “which then all crashed into the lockdown in March” Jack and the company’s majority owner, Mike Brown (ceo of BrownTrout Inc), agreed that it would cease trading this month.
“We’ve had a great adventure with BrownTrout UK and like to think we have played a part in helping to develop the calendar sector in the UK,” said Jack. “I would like to thank my team, many of whom have been with the company for many years as well as our customers who have supported us and our many friends in the industry,”