Christmasworld is a great show to visit if you want some real seasonal inspiration from the most impressive selection of suppliers in this sector. Taking place from January 24 – 28 at Frankfurt, this is the world’s most important order venue for the international decoration and festive articles sector. Christmasworld presents the latest products and trends for all festivities of the year and provides innovative concept ideas for decorating large-scale and outdoor areas for the wholesale and retail trades, shopping centres, DIY markets and the garden centre sector. Key decorative trends for next Christmas will be presented at various features throughout the show.
On 27 January 2022 the ‘Premium’ Business Programme of the show will be suggesting future-oriented incentives for retailing and urban marketing – this time featuring keynote speaker Ibrahim Ibrahim, CEO of Portland Design Associates London. Ibrahim’s keynote speech on the Monday of the fair will be entitled "Urban regeneration: The internet will not kill shops, it will liberate them!" Among the topics which he will address will be that of how future shopping habits will impact on urban space: the functions of town and city centre and the demands which the retail trade must satisfy are subject to enormous changes.
As consumers seek authentic, meaningful and emotionally charged (shopping) experiences, the players from the sectors involved – retailers, towns and cities, local authorities and cultural institutions – must focus in joint activity on the hybrid consumer of the future.
The winner of the "Best Christmas City" competition, run by Christmasworld, the German Town and City Marketing Association and Public Marketing magazine, will also be announced on Monday January 27 during the show. The search is for atmospheric decoration and retail concepts, uniting retailing, food services and the hotel sector, plus further business and social partners, which will attract locals and tourists into town and city centres during Advent. As a prize Christmasworld exhibitor MK Illumination will supply all towns and cities coming in first to third place with high quality town and city decorations for the next season.