Linkedin expert will relaunch GA seminar programme

Linkedin expert Adam Petford will relaunch The Giftware Association’s business development seminar programme next month.

Adam will instruct members and non-members how to use the professional network, taking them “far beyond the basics” and also providing post-training online support, step-by-step guides and follow-up assistance at no extra charge.

Adam is regarded as a leading Linkedin trainer, having run hundreds of workshops and programs in the UK, He is an inspirational speaker who delivers jargon-free content that “really gets businesses and professionals excited about taking real action to expand their network, generate leads, and build lasting relationships”.

Although Adam’s training events usually cost £400 per person, he is keen to develop a partnership with The GA which will provide the training at the following costs (exclusive of VAT): GA members, £100 for one person/£175 for two people; Federation members, £150 for one person/£250 for two people; non-members, £250 for one person/£420 for two people.

Given sufficient support the seminars will be held at 10.30am on Friday, December 11 and Friday, December 18 (with coffee served at 10am). They are expected to finish at 2pm, when a networking lunch will be provided.

To register your interest please download this booking form, which will allow you to select your preferred date, and email it to the email address provided on the form.

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